about me

Everyone reading this should know me already but if not I will give you a brief synopsis of my life so far.
Born and raised in Washington state I went to school on the west side of Washington but opted to go to Eastern Washington University where I studied whatever I felt like at the time which usually was a lot of philosophy, psychology, and other humanities type classes. A little more than four years after I began they told me I was ready to go out the door with an Interdiscplinary Studies Major and a Philosophy minor. 

Then one of the biggest life changing events happened to me. I went and saw my friend Virginia from high school who was Rainier's foreign exchange student from Belgium. I spent 2 and a half months backpacking through Belgium, France, Ireland, England, Italy and Spain. It opened my eyes to the world around me and definitely peaked my interest about living outside the US. 

And that's what brought me to Korea. After doing A LOT of research and talking first hand with people who have gone before me I decided that Korea is the best way to live abroad and actually make some money (someone needs to pay off my student loans). So in May 2010 I packed up two bags and moved to the city of Ansan, located about an hour south of Seoul and began teaching English as a Second Language. 

This Blog is to chronicle my adventures and share what I have learned with you; my family and friends and all variations there of! If you ever want to drop me a personal message or want to hear more from me directly drop me a line at jeff@eagles.ewu.edu
