Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back by popular demand.

So im at the farm. though not farming. I called them up on Sunday and asked when i should/could come out, he told me they were preparing for The Ireland National Plowing (Ploughing) Tournament going on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I offered to come out that night, so i did. 3 and a half bumpy bus ride hours later i was in Waterford. And Ruthie..... B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. You absolutely must come here tell DB that he needs to forget about New York and come here first. He'll love the Guinness. Brendan (my host) picked me up at the bus station and pointed out his car, i went to get into the passenger seat and all of a sudden felt very weird, not because it was sketchy or anything, and it took me a while to really realize what had happened... Some prankster had put the steering wheel on the other side of the car. Brendan (my host) just laughed and said "you driving Jeff?".

I moved to the correct side and made my way out to the farm. I met Grace (his wife) and Kiya (age 14, their daughter) a family who made me feel at home pretty much as soon as i got into the passenger seat.

The next morning i got up and went out with them to set up the food stand at the fairgrounds. It is not so much a farm as it is a organic food catering service. After a long night we came back and crashed, woke up early and went back out to sell some homefries (chopped potatoes), corn on the cob, and homemade lasagna. The food was delicious though not too many customers. The whole fair was huge, reminded me of my days at the Puyallup Fair. Even had the same Octopus ride that i threw up on at Thurston Co. Fair.

The American culture has not only been introduced here but is apparent in almost every single ride. The walking thrill house called "Las Vegas", "the Superbowl" with pictures of American Football (yeah Arikka, football, soccer, hurling, whatev) and the "American Trip" to name a few. Also in one of the tents their was a stand selling NYPD and FDNY t-shirts. The owner was wearing one, i waited to hear his perhaps american accent.... Negative... I believe he was from the north ( Grace is trying to teach me to tell the difference).

I feel like i have much more to write about the things i have seen but it's 00:02 right now (midnight) and im a farmer now. The chickens are already asleep. I will have stories to tell for a long time from this trip, and more pictures as well. So many things i have learned about the history of this country and the people in it. I got to climb up in a small castle on the corner of the fairgrounds today. They are as present here as old farmhouses are in Eastern Washington.

I will try to update as much as possible (mom), though computers are not always close by here. None of you should worry though, the people i am staying with are very kind, and not as sketchy as working on a organic farm in ireland sounds.

I did get a cell phone here but only have 10 Euro credit on it (now its at 9. costs 29 cents to talk to the states for one minute ( i called to check my cell phone messages)), so i have that in case of emergencies.



Anonymous said...

so do you or do you not have phone access... oh and sorry for not answering when you called... definitely had family crap going on.. tell you about it later.. but suffice to say i couldn't answer. um how was the little polka dot book? and how amazing is england... my home land.. and when do you get to see david???? i miss you like crazy you have know idea....
have good times dude.
p.s. not to be creepy but you were in my dream the other night.. not sure what happened but you were there ... giggidy love ya

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds awesome - and thanks for the update! You say don't worry - but you should know me well enough by now - it's my job. If I hadn't been worrying you through this much of your life - where would you be now??
The pictures are awesome and fun. Can't wait until you are here to share the stories behind some of them!
All is well on the Lake Valley Ranch farm. Maybe you'll pick up some tips in Ireland to help us out here! Or come back with some great ideas.
Love ya bud,

Arikka said...

Woo Hoo! I got a shout out. I'm practically famous now. :)Also, I wanted to tell you that I watched the entire series of Arrested Development- love it!

Anonymous said...

Jeff buddy, ive been reading all bout your trip in Europe. sounds amazing. Hope ur doing well. school is in full swing so im busy but ill keep reading all bout your journey...Derek