so last night i was walking around Dublin and was surprised that all the museums were open, busy, and free. Apparently i flew in on the right day. Culture Night. Everything all over the city had people dancing and performing in the street.
I just bought a SIM card for my phone and had it unlocked, now i just need to figure out how it all works. Im going to go on some tours today and try to meet people, i also need to find another hostel or couchsurf.
Still having a blast and learning a lot but am ready to head out of the city and relax a bit. I am missing Virginia and Alexis and the laid back life in Brussels. And of course the Cheney/Fishtrap life. Homesick level is still at a minimum though. just about the time i start feeling alone i just turn to someone on the street and start talking to them. Especially if they have an American accent.
Last night at the bar an Irish girl asked me if i had a light, i said "sorry, i dont" and she freaked out
"you are an American?! I just spent two weeks in San Fran and I loved it!! i want to find an American boy to marry and move there!"
I said she would have to buy me a drink first.
Anyway, im ready to go do some more adventuring.
I appreciate the comments from those of you reading the blog, it lets me know that people are out there following this and there is a purpose for me writing it.
I haven't looked at all the pictures yet - but did promise Janet Aschenbrenner there would be some of the Irish green! She is enjoying your blog too!
Glad all is well. Always good to hear from you. Love ya bud. Mom
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