Thursday, October 23, 2008

Roma Eighth Wind

It is so amazing here. Went to the Vatican and saw the Sistine Chapel, went on a couple of walking tours and today I just got back from the Colloseum. Other than traveling around rome, the rest of the day is spent in the shade in the hostel lounge outside where there is about 8 of us or so at anyone time from all over the world telling stories about past travels and making plans for future ones. Also regailing one another with stories about home and how it is different from here.

The weather here is simply amazing. Its been very sunny and defintely shorts and tshirt weather.

So a couple bad things have happened though, nothing too major and can be expected. I went to withdraw money from an atm and got slammed with a 60 dollar charge for it. Then the other bad thing is that from carrying my bag with my tripod, camera, lens, and other junk it has wreaked havoc on my back. In a bit of pain but nothing too severe, kind of nice actually to have a bit of reality back in my extremely awesome trip.

That is another thing, every so often as i am walking around or sitting near one of romes many fountains, i get these moments of nirvana, where everything stops and starts all at the same time, its like im going deaf and hearing for the first time all in one instant. And i think, wow, this building is 2500 years old, and im on the other side of the world right now. Im where Gladiators fought lions, and giraffes (though not so much of one another, and not so many christians). It may be the lack of sleep or the general dimentia that comes with the travelling but it is an amazing high.

And these people i am travelling with are just unreal. the nicest bunch of people, here in rome its like you are never really alone, you are just making a couple hundred new friends every week.

As far as the pictures go (yeah yeah, i know), i am still waiting for a good place to upload them from, the process with take me several hours by this time and these computer systems here are not like the ones back home. And they arent free. The one that is up there is one out of 800 i was trying to upload but it was the only one that would go.

One of the travellers i met is from Cali, he is leaving tommorow to go to Germany, i think i may meet up with him there and stay with his family that he is seeing, then to Prague for a bit, then who knows where.
off to one of the many famous hills of Rome tonight for a Brazilian Festival.



Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you are having as much fun in Rome as you did Ireland. Not sure we're going to get a good "OH - you have to go to......." when you get home. Guess we'll just have to try to see it all someday!
Hope some rest heals your back - but I know a good Physical Therapist if you need one!
Love ya hun.


Arikka said...

It sounds like traveling alone is the way to go. It makes me feel like I missed out when I went to Europe. I love reading about your adventures and I'm glad to hear that you're having a blast. Take care of yourself! :)