Ok gang, done a bit of revamping. Pictures can be located under the photo tab. It's a link to the Google Web albums I started back in Europe.
I also have the ability to add people to an e-mail list, it will send an e-mail everytime I post a new blog. If you want to be on this list to avoid checking back often and wondering if I have posted something new just let me know. Send me an e-mail at jeff@eagles.ewu.edu
I got a new phone yesterday and my bank account is all set up. So now I can call and text people here in Korea and meet up with them easier. Last night John, Anne, Lee and I went out to eat at a restaurant. We took a cab to get to the part of town that we wanted saying "Junang -bowling alley?" Since that is where we wanted to go after food. After sitting down I asked for a "menu" while opening my hands and pretending to read them as to pantomime what I wanted. They gave me a small sheet all in Korean of what they served and the prices. I used my phone to call one of the Korean-Americans we work with "Hey Ethan. I got a favor to ask. The four of us are really hungry and we don't really care what we get we just want a lot of it." He laughed and said that I need to carry around flash cards with pictures of a pig or cow on them to better navigate the restaurants. I told him this would probably be a good thing. He talked directly to the waiter and they started bringing us plate after plate of salads, kimchi, peppers, and meat which is cooked on coals in a pot that sits directly in the center of the table with a large ventilation hood that comes down. We ate until we were stuffed and then took off to go bowling.
Anyway, Its almost 6 and I have class at from 7-10 tonight, which is sad because Korea is playing their second game in the World Cup tonight at 8:30. Hopefully I will be able to catch the last few minutes.
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